Ganguri Srinath, hailing from Guntur, experienced a lethal fall while journeying in Atlanta. The computer programmer, who was working in the US throughout the previous six years, had gone for journeying in Atlanta alongside his significant other and companions.

As per data arriving at Srinath’s family, the episode happened in Cleveland Mountain Slopes on Sunday. While traveling in the mountains, he unintentionally fell around 200 feet down. The nerd endured head wounds and died on the spot.

Srinath and his better half Saicharani, who is likewise a product proficient, had been working in Florida. The couple had moved to Atlanta around a half year prior.

Srinath was child in-law of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) pioneer from Guntur, Sukavasi Srinivas Rao. The geek’s folks Malleshwari and Babu Rao were stunned on getting the data about his passing.

The family has encouraged the public authority to stretch out help to bring back the body. Srinivas Rao was in contact with Telugu Relationship of North America (TANA) president Anjaiah Chowdary and others in the US to make courses of action for carrying the body to Guntur.

— #Rajanna(G🌐pi AdusuⓂilli) (@agk4444) October 18, 2022