One of Apex Legends’ original and cockiest characters is about to get his own edition, and he’s pretty chuffed about it. Apex Legends Mirage Edition has been announced, bringing with it a slick new look for, you guessed it, Mirage. 

The latest edition, which follows on from the Gibraltar Edition, comes with exclusive Mirage and Volt skins, a gun charm, badge, and 1,000 Apex Coins to boot. Mirage Edition retails for $19.99. However, for those with access to EA Play, their discount will bring that down to $17.99. 

Mirage’s new look, appropriately titled “The Showstopper,” will see him sport a monochromatic visor, topped off with a stylish white cowboy hat. And if that wasn’t enough, then his custom silver-clad “Mantlepiece” Volt skin will complement this new look perfectly. Unlike many skins, which can be a little outlandish for the characters that don them, Mirage’s new duds are right up his street.

With Legends getting up close and personal in the recently launched Arenas Mode just a couple of weeks ago, the Mirage Edition will likely be the perfect way to celebrate your victory in style. Apex Legends Mirage Edition is available now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. PS5 and Xbox Series X|S owners can play it via backwards compatibility. 

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