In Hot Mess, players step into the shoes of a firefighting robot who goes haywire, and mistakes the burning passion of romance as the flame that burns down houses. He thinks couples kissing is dangerous, and therefore tries to hose them down to avoid fires.

The reason for this rejection was because there were 8-bit animated people kissing, and these said people were naked. So, after the first rejection, Atlanta-based indie game developer Secret Library fixed the problem (sort of) by putting underwear on the happy couples.

Sadly, Apple rejected Hot Mess once again due to this rule stated by Apple: 

After the second rejection, Secret Library tweeted: 

Then, early this moring, around 4:00 a.m., Hot Mess was released. 

I’m not sure why Apple suddenly decided to release it–some say because of publicity, which could very well be true.

Anyway, I went ahead and bought myself a copy last night and I fell in love with the premise. The controls could use some tweaking, though. The people are hard to notice during gameplay, making Apple’s rant a little excessive. All that I know is that if you want to play Hot Mess, pick it up today because it could very easily be pulled.